
About My Happiness Bucket™
The My Happiness Bucket™ website was created to help you quantify, measure and track your true level of happiness and to help others understand and quantify why they may feel unhappy. Since happiness is a feeling and a state of mind, this website and measuring tool helps to show that the feeling of happiness or unhappiness can be quantified with the premise that whenever your 4 major happiness bucket categories are completely full, then you are at your ultimate state of happiness.
You will find 10 topics in each category to help with your happiness measuring. Topics and categories were chosen with knowledge gained from experts in the fields of sociology, psychology and human behavior. For any topic which may not specifically apply to you, you can always choose "Not Applicable (NA)" on the measuring scales. You can also adjust the default measuring scale of 1 to 10 down to a scale of 1 to 5 using the settings option to customize your user profile as desired once you have signed in to your account.
Enjoy using this free tool to help quantify your level of happiness today and to track any happiness milestones that you may want to set for yourself using the built-in dashboard. Also included in this website is easy access to help resources that you may find useful to improve any areas of your happiness bucket categories.

My Happiness Bucket™ - Delete My Account
WARNING: Deleting your account will also delete the entire history of all your saved buckets. Please confirm below that you understand this warning before deleting your account.

My Happiness Bucket™
Congratulations on SAVING your first Happiness Bucket! Now what?
Now that you have become a registered user of the My Happiness Bucket™ website, there are (3) things you can do within the application:
- You can use your DASHBOARD to view and track the history of your saved buckets if you want to begin setting any happiness bucket goals or milestones to reach over a period of time. In the near future, you will also have an optional ability to COMPARE your own happiness bucket to others in a similar demographic based on age, gender, state or custom groups.
- You can use your SETTINGS options to customize your user profile as desired.
- You can easily access and bookmark help resources for any topic within each bucket category if you are looking for expert advice to help improve any areas of your happiness bucket. These help resources can be accessed by clicking on the symbol located at the end of each topic.

My Happiness Bucket™ - Delete Buckets
To delete only ONE bucket, put the same date in both the From: and To: fields above.

My Happiness Bucket™ - Privacy Policy
We will not share or sell your email address, name or any other personal and non-public information with any telemarketer or marketing agency. Any information entered by you into this website is private, secure and accessible only by you using your login credentials that you establish. Since you can browse or use our website and remain totally anonymous, we would only email you if you requested information from us or are sending any feedback to us regarding our website.